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Saturday, March 01, 2008

A List Apart - Web Design Magazine

If you're interested in learning about the basics and/or the finer points of Web design, A List Apart, a zine that has been publishing more or less weekly articles on various topics in this area since 1998, is a great trove of accessible expertise.

The topics A List Apart uses to organize its articles — over 500 have been published at this point — are summarized here. A sampling of articles that I've found useful would include:

"Designing For Flow," by Jim Ramsey (December 4, 2007) — "Flow, as a mental state, is characterized by a distorted sense of time, a lack of self-consciousness, and complete engagement in the task at hand. For designers, it’s exactly the feeling we hope to promote in the people who use our sites."

"Reviving Anorexic Web Writing," by Amber Simmons (July 31, 2007) — "We’ve starved all the life out of web writing. The kind of writing we encourage is lifeless, insipid, and calorie-free. If we want to get back on track—to allow writers to write wonderful user experiences—we have to change our expectations and our rules."

"How to Be a Great Host," by John Gladding (October 24, 2006) — "Anyone who can host a great party can start a successful forum."

"Your About Page Is a Robot," by Erin Kissane (August 22, 2006) — “An About page should provide context and necessary facts, but should also give the reader compelling reasons to do what you want them to do.”

"Anonymity and Online Community: Identity Matters," by John M. Grohol (April 4, 2006) — “While anonymity may allow people to feel more free and disinhibited to discuss otherwise embarrassing or stigmatizing topics, it can also be a community’s biggest enemy.”

"Home Page Goals," by Derek Powazek (January 30, 2006) — ”...home pages are anxiety-inducing for companies. The home page is your first impression. And like the old saying goes, you only get one chance. So home pages themselves have a unique set of design goals.”

In September 2006, Erin Lynch, A List Apart's production manager, provided her own very helpful list of articles new visitors might like to peruse.


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