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Monday, September 25, 2006

21st-Century Journalism XIII: Summer Thoughts

Points to ponder from Summer in the Freedom Forum's 2006 First Amendment Calendar:

"Curiosity is insubordination in its purest form." -- Vladimir Nabokov (novelist)

"The blogosphere is half forensic lab and half tavern." -- Michael Cornfield (political management professor, George Washington University)

"Balance and objectivity, without a strong commitment to the truth, can turn journalism into farce." -- Chris Hedges (author, columnist)

"In order to be able to explore, you have to be free to say what you believe, but with that comes the responsibility to also sit quietly and listen to someone else. That's where the classroom gets interesting." -- Michael Rothmayer (theater professor, Drake University)

"Left unchallenged, even the wildest guesses take on the certitude of fact." -- Christopher Wren (journalist)

"Unlike any other business, newspapers deliberately make widgets they know will annoy or enrage someone." -- Keith Spore (publisher of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

